2025 Preview Release
Try out the 2025 update via the download links below! This download has all the “pro” version turned off, but it expires on October 30th. Back the crowdfunding now!
This is a preview, but it will release later *this* year. Because this is a major update we’re asking you to support the additional development time & effort. Folks who bought Worldographer this year (Jan 1 2024 and later) will get a link to back the crowdfunding roughly equal to your license purchase. For example, if you spent $35, you’ll get roughly $35 off).
Note this is an “alpha” so there may bugs. Make sure you save any files you edit to a new filename–they can’t be reloaded in the prior Worldographer release.
- Get Worldographer 2025 for Windows (d3d). This will install it as a new application “Worldographer 2025” on your computer–it will leave your current Worldographer install alone.
- Get the Java “jar” file for Worldographer 2025.
- Get the Linux (Debian) version.
- Get the release for Mac OSX for Apple (M#) chips or Mac OSX Intel processors.
Back the Crowdfunding Project Early to Vote for Features Not Yet Added
We’re crowdfunding Worldographer 2025 now. Back the project early to vote in our weekly polls–the first one will be Sept 12th.
- Support UVTT export of Battlemats. (Easy import into many virtual table tops.)
- More settlement configuration files to auto-generate an elvish village, desert town, etc.
- Street name generator for city/village maps.
- More room types in the Battlemat Rooms tab.
- Cosmic maps create multiple planets in a system.
- Color picker that lets you match terrain backgrounds.
- Allow user to change the transparency of map layers.
- Re-bindable key mappings.
- Allow hex numbering to start from any corner of the map.
- Let the nation generator use other icons if available/installed. (If the user has elf cities/towns/villages and it is making an elf nation, use those icons.)
- Cosmic maps: import export data in a standard format.
List of Known Issues
(An “X” in front means the issue is fixed but not yet released. “v1.##” means the issue is fixed in that numbered update.)
- Allow generation of Empires/Nations on continent/kingdom maps?
- Toolboxes (terrain, features, etc.) should remember their last location when reopened.
- Add a data version number to the data file.
- Paint bucket terrain fill isn’t working for non-terrain layers.
- Some fonts don’t load.
- “Dense” setting in city generation should do more to pack buildings into the center even on a sparse map.
- Need to implement copy across maps.
- Nation generated and Hex Crawl Notes do not show on other map levels.
- Add badlands and moor to the World Terrain Configuration (New World Setup)
- v1.06
Fills of large terrain areas seem to hang. - v1.06
Add a “Clear Prior Data” checkbox to the Settlement Data Dialog so it applies to both the built-in icon set options as well as user-created ones. - v1.06
When adding many (20+?) custom features via the Configure menu’s “Add Custom Features”, the dialog appears off screen and locks up Worldographer. - v1.06
When dead forest is a “similar terrain” it is not used. - v1.06
Filtering textbox on the configure terrain used for generating a map dialog. - v1.05
More built-in icons (more modern/sf settlement icons for a basic town map) - v1.05
Maps from non-2025 version of Worldographer with Classic Forest Dead/Classic Mountain Forest Dead/Classic Mountains Forest Dead/Classic Hills Forest Dead have those as blank hexes. - v1.05
Worldographer 1.x maps that use custom icons lose the folder/type (classic, battlemat, etc.) they are associated with. - v1.05
Icon size spinners can take a long time to resize all button icons. - v1.04
Hex Crawl Generator generated locations in ocean/sea areas need to be mostly sea-based. - v1.04
When switching a map from Classic to Isometric icons (or creating an isometric map), volcanoes remain in the classic style. - v1.04
Prettier auto-generated rivers (shape version)–use texture for isometric icon maps, whether classic or isometric, they narrow at the end. - v1.04
Many more perspective style world/kingdom icons. - v1.03
Configure dialogs: clicking on the gear symbol pops open a new dialog box even when one is open, instead of refocusing on the open one. (Grid and Grid Numbering don’t have this issue.) - v1.03
Make Roads generated on world/kingdom maps a little more wavy and make them ‘fractal-ish’ by default. - v1.03
Towers & gatehouses don’t display when creating/showing city map. - v1.03
Make new windows/dialogs display on the same screen/monitor as the main application. - v1.03
When a note is edited, any “smart” quotes need to be switched to regular ones. - v1.03
Fix issue loading maps with isometric mountains as features. - v1.02
When using toolboxes (instead of drawers/tabs for terrain, features, etc) the colors of the controls don’t match and default sizes are incorrect. - v1.02
Buttons at edge of scrollbars to move map are missing (seems to be limited to “jump one screen”). Scrollbar behavior is confusing; no “drag” option for precise positioning. - v1.01
Generate nations/empires: occasionally places multiple features in the same hex. - v1.01
Make sure all “Features” from Worldographer 1 are set up properly so Worldographer 1 maps can all load properly. - v1.01
For extra line options, width jumps in singles, other in multiples of 5 (unless typed manually); I would make them all - v1.01
Feature Labels: custom style options seem to be non-functional (label styles work as expected) - v1.01
Option to switch themes from dark needs to be removed. - v1.01
Implement cursor keys to move map.