Making a Dungeon Geomorph Map

Note: We have a video of this feature as well.

This feature helps you make a large dungeon map using connectable dungeon sections of 10 squares x 10 squares each. (Or any number really, but our source files are 10×10, with 10′ squares.  If you want to make them 5′ there is an option to double the size.) Most tiles (a few “entrance” tiles don’t conform to the standard on all sides) have two corridors evenly spaced on each side so almost any tile can connect to nearly any other tile. Inkwell Ideas makes a number of dice & cards using this standard started by Dyson Logos that we call DungeonMorphs.

  1. First, you’ll need to download the delver-trailblazer-voyager zip file to get all the DungeonMorphs from our Delver, Trailblazer, & Voyager sets as Worldographer files. Then unzip that somewhere on your computer.
  2. Next, open Worldographer.  If you don’t have version 1.39 or later (see the menu bar for the version number) you will want to visit the Worldographer Download page to update to the current version. The 1.39 release fixed a couple of bugs related to this feature.
  3. Then go to the File menu and select “Make Dungeon Geomorph Map”. In the dialog that appears.  Keep the “# tiles across per map” and “# tiles high per map” at 20 if you want a 5′ square grid or make them each 10 if you want 10′ squares. “# maps across” and “# maps high” can be any number you want within reason.  Leaving them at 5 and 4 respectively and 20 tiles across & high will make a map that is 100 squares x 80 squares. If you are going for 5′ squares, check the “Double the size…” checkbox. If you want 10′ squares, leave it unchecked.
  4. Hit “OK” & see your map appear.
  5. Select to the “Tools” menu’s “Switch Icons to Simple Style” to use the old-school/line art icons instead of the realistic battlemat icons. (Or pick the “Switch Icons to Realistic Style” to do the reverse.)
  6. You’ll notice you have corridors leading off the map. Go to the Shapes drawer, then click “Select Shape”, then select a point on the edge of a map and hold down control and drag it with your mouse.  Or delete it and add a different shape (maybe a small room or dead end).  See the Worldographer general instructions for more details on creating & editing shapes.

Or, you can create a blank map and use the “Open Into This Map…” feature. First follow steps 1 & 2 above.  Then:

  1. In Worldographer, Create a new blank Battlemat/Dungeon map via the File menu.  Set the Tiles Wide & High based on how large do you want the final map to be.  If using 10′ squares, and you want to use 5 geomorphs across and 4 high, make the map 50 x 40 tiles because the source map files are 10 squares x 10 squares. If you want 5′ squares, you’ll need to double these values.
  2. Then go to the File menu and select “Open Into This Map…” Pick the location where you want the upper left tile of the map you’re opening. You can choose to rotate the new map using the “Rotate” selector and then if you want 5′ squares, Check the “Double…” checkbox. Click “OK” and a file chooser will appear. Pick a .wxx file.
  3. The map should appear where you chose.
  4. Follow step 5 & 6 above to tweak the map as desired.